Mine Finder Mine Finder

Mine Finder Game

Mine Finder is a game where mines are hidden in a grid of squares. The safe squares have numbers that tell you how many mines are touching the square. You can use the number clues to solve the game by opening all the safe squares. If you click on a mine, you lose the game! You can open squares with the left mouse button and flag mines with the right mouse button. Pressing the right mouse button again will return them to their original state. When you open a square that is not touching any mines, it will be empty and the adjacent squares will automatically open in all directions until you reach the squares that have numbers. One common strategy to start games is to click randomly until you get a big hole with lots of numbers. If you avoid all the mines, the mines will automatically be flagged and you win the game when you lose or win, wait one second before the game restarts automaticlly There are 32 mines distributed across the squares mouse left click show numbers spaces and mines mouse right click put flage

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